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Category Archives: knowledge

Benefits of palm oil.

Because palm oil contains some nutrients. Many people believe that palm oil may help nourish the body and prevent certain diseases. There are some scientific studies that suggest that may have some health benefits. Prevent vitamin A deficiency. Vitamin A  is a vitamin that is essential for bone

Benefits of eating bean sprouts.

Bean sprouts are rich in many nutrients. It also provides low energy. People who regularly consume bean sprouts may benefit from: Reduce the risk of diabetes Sprouts contain an antioxidant called phenolic that may be helpful in preventing diabetes. The results of the study showed that phenolic substances

Lutein Is Good For The Eyes.

Lutein is a nutrient in the same group as beta-carotene and vitamin A that can be found in many fruits and vegetables. Such as spinach, broccoli, kale, corn, kiwi, grapes, oranges, etc. Eating these fruits and vegetables can provide many benefits from lutein. In addition,

Benefits of Parsley.

Parsley is a highly nutritious vegetable. Consuming moderate amounts regularly may help nourish the body and reduce the risk of disease. 1. Nourish bones Bones are important components of the body. If the bones are fragile, unhealthy, or have low bone mass , it can easily cause disease. Consumption of