Know about cadmium Dangerous toxic metals, the cause of “Itaitai disease”

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Know about cadmium Dangerous toxic metals, the cause of “Itaitai disease” and cancer

Cadmium (Cadmium) has the chemical formula Cd. It is a silver-white metal. The luster is faint blue, odorless, and has a soft texture. Can bent and cut easily with a knife. It is usually in the form of rods, sheets, rods, wires, or small powders. Can cause chemical reactions more violently than substances that give off oxygen. This is because cadmium is highly resistant to corrosion. Therefore it is use to plaster various metal cadmium Dangerous surfaces. In industry, such as iron, steel, And copper are generally use in metal plating. It is also use in combination with copper, nickel, gold, bismuth, and can also use as electrodes in rechargeable batteries.

What is cadmium cause by? And where can it found?

Cadmium is found mix with other minerals such as zinc ore, lead or copper. So in zinc mining, cadmium will obtained as a result. Cadmium can be found in food, in water, in mines, in sewage or sewage. Or in paints used for homes or buildings.

What diseases can cadmium cause?

Cadmium that enters the body through. The respiratory system and the digestive system Enters. The circulatory system, binds to the protein albumin, and is sent to the liver. Causing inflammation in the liver Part of the cadmium binds to another protein. (metallothionein) accumulates in the liver and kidneys. and is excrete through the urine. The process of excreting cadmium from the kidneys occurs very slowly.

It takes approximately 20 years to excrete half of the cadmium. That has accumulated in the kidneys. causing symptoms of glomerulonephritis People. Who are chronically expose to cadmium. There is a risk of various cancers such as lung, kidney, prostate and pancreatic cancer. There have been reports of cases of people eating rice grown from cadmium Dangerous land contaminated with cadmium. Will have symptoms of osteoporosis and bones have abnormal growth Including Itai-Itai disease.

The dangers of cadmium to the body

  • Local effect

Irritating to the respiratory tract If you touch it for a long time. This can cause the sense of smell lost and stains or yellow rings gradually form on the neck of the tooth. After cadmium has absorb into the body will have a long half-life and remains in the liver and kidneys

  • Effects on the body

Mostly acute poison Caused by breathing in dust or cadmium fumes. Which occur when cadmium is heate. Generally, the time. After exposure is 2-3 hours before symptoms appear. Initial symptoms include slight irritation of the upper respiratory tract. Two to three hours later symptoms. Include coughing, pain in the chest, sweating and chills. which is a symptom.

That Similar common upper respiratory tract infections8-24 hours later. After sudden exposure Strong irritation may in the lungs. Pain in the chest, difficulty breathing, coughing, and fatigue. Difficulty breathing becomes more severe. When the lungs flood. The danger of such cases is up to 15%. Surviving patients may have air bubbles in their tissues. and the lung tissue bulges out Which takes a long time to heal. There are reports that chronic poisoning has occurred. After prolonged exposure to cadmium oxide fumes